Disclaimer: SPSP Allegedly Partnering with the African Institute for the Justices of Peace for membership induction

 The attention of the National Working Committee (NWC) of the Society for Peace Studies and Practice (SPSP) has been drawn to a viral post associating the Society to the African Institute for the Justices for Peace.

The said post used the writing pad of the society as a proof of support for payment into the account of the above-named association with a rider 'The information above is from the Society for Peace Studies and Practice (SPSP) those interested in the professional certification of African Institute For the Justices Of Peace can apply'!

Let it be clarified here that SPSP is not in any form of agreement or having an MOU with the above-named Institute. We are not in the habit of selling any of the membership cadres of the Society neither do we promote same for any organization.

Please disregard such information.

For either enquiries, please contact the secretariat on 08035133805 or 08059366450. You can also send us an email through secgen@spsp.org.ng


Thank You

Yusuf Olanrewaju Lateef PhD

Secretary General

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