This is to bring to your notice the commencement of peer review for papers presented at the just concluded 17th international conference.
All journal articles accepted for publication in SPSP Journal Series are now affixed a Digital Object Identifier [DOI] reference number. SPSP Journal is indexed and abstracted in the IS Publication Index and Google Scholar.
Guidelines to Authors:
1. Papers submitted and presented should be the
author's original research. The paper should not be under consideration in any other publication and should
conform to the following guidelines:
The paper must include the author’s name, title (maximum of 15 words),
qualifications, institutional affiliation, preferred mailing address, email address, and telephone number;
2. The paper should include an abstract of not more than 250 words. 5 Keywords are required at the end of the
3. The full article should be 7,000 words at most (including title, author(s)’ name(s) and contact(s), abstract,
endnotes, and bibliographical references) on an A4 paper with a 1-inch margin on all sides;
4. Paper should be single-spaced in 12-point type and in Times New Roman. Use APA style of Referencing;
5. All diagrams, charts and graphs should be referred to as figures and consecutively numbered. Tables should
be kept to a minimum and contain only essential data; they may be single-spaced.
6. Each figure and table must be given an Arabic numeral, followed by a heading, and be referred;
7. The sum of ₦25,000.00 is to be paid into SPSP account as publication fee to cover:
a. ₦5,000.00 as review charge
b. ₦20,000.00 as publication fee.
c. However, The National Working Committee (NWC) has unanimously approved a waiver of ₦10,000 for the 2023 publications.
This waiver only applies to the papers submitted at the 2023 conference and previous presentations for 2019, 2020 and 2021 which are already being finalised for publication.
8. Deadlines for submission of paper presented are as follows: (a) papers presented at the 2023 international conference at Abuja should be submitted from 20/12/23 - 10/01/24.
(b) the reviewer will receive, and review within the time range of 10/01/24 and return it back on or before 20/01/24.
(c) if the paper is publishable, it shall be returned to the author by 21/01/24 for corrections and a clean copy will be submitted latest 31/01/24.
9. The articles for publication shall be sent to the press by 11/02/24.
10. Authors are to send in their full papers to
Thank You
Olanrewaju Yusuf, PhD.
Ag. Secretary General