The President,Society For Peace Studies and Practice(SPSP),Nathaniel Msen Awuapila,fspsp on behalf of the National Working Committee(NWC),the SPSP, Central Working Committee(cwc),the Board of Trustees(BOT),the Body of Fellows(BoF),Esteemed Members of the SPSP Felicitates with Nigerians and in particular the teeming workers in the country on the 2024 ,International Workers' Day.
Mr Awuapila,fspsp noted that SPSP salute the unbridled efforts and contributions of Workers worldwide who strive for a better future of quality production,good and transparent governance across the world.
As an organisation dedicated to peace scholarship and practice including PeaceBuilding,SPSP, Awuapila,fspsp said, believe that worker's rights and dignity are essential for creating a harmonious and prosperous world.
SPSP stand in Solidarity with workers everywhere, advocating for safe working conditions, decent wages and social protection...Together, let us build a world where every worker is valued,respected and empowered to thrive !
Muhammad Kudu Abubakar, PhD, fspsp, fnipr; National Publicity Secretary,SPSP.