The President, SPSP, Mr. Nathaniel Msen Awuapila, fspsp on behalf of the National Working Committee (NWC),the Central Working Committee(CWC), the Board of Trustees (BOT), the Body of Fellows(BoF) and Members of the SPSP constituted a Planning Committee to celebrate our Founder, SPSP, Prof Isaac Olawale Albert, fspsp who turns 65 in 2024...A Statement signed by, Dr. Lanre Yisuf, the Ag. Sec General, SPSP announced as follows:
Prof. Isaac Olawale Albert, fspsp @65 Planning Committee
Professor Isaac Olawale Albert, the acknowledged founder of the Society for Peace Studies and Practice (SPSP), will be 65 years old in 2024. This committee is constituted to propose a specific plan for celebrating Prof. Albert during the year 2024. The Committee is encouraged to be as original, creative, innovative and cost effective in their ideas and proposals as possible.
The Committee is hereby constituted.
Members of the Committee:
1. Prof. Jude Momodu - Chairman
2. Prof. Chibuzor Nwobueze
3. Dr. Benjamin Aluko
4. Dr. Tope Olaifa
5. Commandant David Ojelabi
6. Bishop Lawrence Ehigiator
7. Dr. John Tsuwa
8. Dr. Lola George
9. Mr. Mathias Yake
10. Dr. Adeyinka E. Richard
11 Dr. Lanre Yusuf - Secretary
Terms of Reference and specific duties:
This is a planning committee. The scope of work for the committee and specific expected activities and outputs are as follows:
1. Consult among members, Body of Fellows and Branches of SPSP to identify ideas for best celebrating Prof. Isaac Olawale Albert's 65th birthday.
2. Propose the specific plan including dates, activities, cost estimates, locations and expected outputs.
3. Submit the implementation plan to the President for review by the National Working Committee (NWC).
4. The Committee is expected to commence work during the first week of January 2024, and should submit their report on January 14th or earlier.
5. Members of the committee who are willing to be included on the committee to be charged with the responsibility for implementing the approved plan to be proposed by this committee should indicate and have their names submitted as part of the committee's report.
Thank you.
Dr. Lanre Yusuf
Ag. Secretary-General
For: The President