The President celebrates Mr. Teddy Foday-Musa, the co-ordinator of SPSP Sierra Leone branch

The President celebrates Mr. Teddy Foday-Musa, the co-ordinator or SPSP Sierra Leone branch for his rich contribution in the recently published book, "Truth Commissions and State Building."

Mr. Foday's contribution in the sixth chapter, titled "Truth, Reconciliation, and Peace: Building a National Infrastructure for Peace in Sierra Leone," is a remarkable exploration of Sierra Leone's post-war Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and its pivotal role in state (re)building. Drawing on extensive research and firsthand insights, Teddy Foday-Musa provides a compelling analysis of the challenges and opportunities inherent in truth-seeking processes, shedding light on their significance for fostering reconciliation and promoting sustainable peace.

As noted by a reviewer the chapter reflects one of the "first studies that develop a sustained and systematic investigation of how truth commissions operate as state-building tools." It further highlights the establishment of Sierra Leone's Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion (ICPNC), a peace infrastructure recommended in the TRC Report.

We not only celebrate this ingenious work now available on Amazon but also highly recommend it to all those interested in understanding the intricacies of post-conflict peacebuilding processes, especially in the context of global standards in truth commissions and the making of postwar national cohesion—where Teddy Foday-Musa has made an invaluable contribution.

Mr. Teddy Foday-Musa, the coordinator of SPSP in Sierra Leone and a lecturer at the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies, Fourah Bay College (FBC), University of Sierra Leone (USL), exemplifies the commitment to advancing knowledge and practice in the field of transitional justice.

We believe that this book will significantly shape the field of transitional justice and TRC studies globally.